005. Birds Migrating at Midnight

From 107. Birds Migrating at Midnight.


Birds sound like memories to me.

Geese honking sounds like November—melancholy goodbyes, frosty grass, pumpkin spice lattes, scarves around my neck.

Cardinals sound like spring—windows open, sun rising earlier and earlier, lilacs and tulips decorating the air.

Seagulls sound like vacation—my grandparents house by the lake, walking early in the morning to pick up the paper and waving at the other walkers enjoying the view, running into the lake with the cousins, cold water pushing squeals from our mouths mingling with the gulls.

There are other vacations too, the bigger ones farther away, a place where it feels like the earth goes on for infinity, hunting for seashells and sand dollars, warm sand between toes, the tickle of waves.

Seagulls can be terribly annoying. But today, listening to them singing to me while I sit and write on the dock, they sound a lot like joy.

Rachel NevergallComment