A Reading Gift Guide for the Middle Graders


Can you tell already that we like books around here?

Shopping for middle graders isn’t easy. They start to phase away a bit from the usual toy presents. But the more sophisticated items are either too individual, or too expensive. Books are great for any age, though. They are magical in that way.

Three of the suggestions in this list are graphic novels. I think graphic novels are a fantastic way to indulge a new reader. This is a new genre for me but I love seeing Caroline jump into stories she might not otherwise because the images make it accessible, like sc-fi. I also love the educators recognize the literacy quality of graphic novels too.

This one will be short. I wanted a way to share a few books that Caroline has really enjoyed this year that may not be on your radar if you don’t pay attention to the middle grade reading world. Some are popular but others less so. I love hidden gems. And also, I must be honest, a couple of the books are written by a friend. I will always shout out the masterpieces of my friends. If you create something, I’ll put it on a gift guide. But these books don’t need me to celebrate them; they are fantastic on their own.

This one will also be short list because there is snow coming down outside and I want to go play! May you find a little something for the middle grader in your life!


Lucy’s Lab - There are three in this series. Perfect for the science loving girl, or girl you want to love science more.


Crafily Ever After - I found these books while wandering my local book store and knew they were meant for my seven year old. Its a friendship meets crafting meets a little bit of mystery all rolled into one. The perfect recipe for a good book series.


Calling All Witches - Okay so this one may be specific to the Harry Potter fans only. But we found this one at the library and Caroline devoured it. It is all about the girls in the Harry Potter series and what makes them strong. If you have a Potter fan in your life but want to call attention to the girl heroes in the stories, this is the book for you.


Dog Man - I was delighted to see Caroline thrilled about a new read that didn’t involve princesses and fairies for once! She heard about this from many boys in her class and now she reads and shares right along side them. Woo hoo! It is silly and ridiculous but also fun. I even saw Elliott, the least of my book lovers, ask Caroline to read this to him more than once.


Smile, Drama, Ghosts, Sisters - Another graphic novel series that Caroline LOVES. I love the messages of friendship and strength in these stories. The author, Raina Telgemeier, also writes graphic novels of the BabyS Sitters’ Club Books and when Caroline is old enough for those, I might just have to read along with her.


Last Pick and Last Pick:Born to Run - The first two of a trilogy is out by my friend and graphic novelist Jason Walz. Jason is a social needs educator who works with young adults on the autism spectrum. He is also an artist and writer and created this incredible sci-fi graphic novel series starring a young adult with autism. The themes of strength and courage in those considered to be outcasts and lesser members of society is so good. I cried so hard in the second book and can’t wait to see where the story ends. This is a book both Caroline and I loved, and I can’t recommend it enough to any reader in your life.