A Thousand Pictures


This is not the first time I have shared this image. But seeing it again today brought back a rush of emotions from this very moment. There is 6 weeks postpartum exhaustion in my eyes. There is adorable snuggly baby in a baseball cap. There are bluebonnets, glorious bluebonnets. And there is the fierce yet loving big sister. So many words in one picture. And so many more images brought to mind by each word.

As mentioned already on this blog, this is not the only space I hope to maintain my writing and sharing. I have two other blog spaces, each with their own unique character. One is A Tale of Two Mamas where I share my adventurers in Texas with my family in parallel to another mother and her family in Alaska. You can read more here and follow the link. As part of my learning goals for this year, I want to practice my writing across various spaces. I want to keep my work on A Tale of Two Mamas as more of a virtual scrapbook of our family adventures. Words are so important to me but so are maintaining the pictures and the stories. That space is perfect for that kind of writing.

Today while scrolling through too many photos on my computer without a home, words kept popping into my head. Simple words that evoked memories of a time earlier this year that in the moment seemed so heavy and raw and yet is now already starting to fade a bit from the front of my mind.  As each picture tied me to a word, that word led me to so many more images in my mind, moments I just don't want to forget.  Home. Picnic. Kite. Smores. Tent. Bluebonnets. Baseball caps. Crafting. Adventuring. Bonding. Go Valpo! First visitors. Birthday Crowns. Big Sister.

There are pictures of each of these moments but a thousand more surface when I read each word. They say a picture is worth a thousand words. But sometimes, I think, a word can show a thousand pictures. 

On Fridays I hope to link up to a post from one of my other two blog projects. Today, you can see more images from our recent past on A Tale of Two Mamas as I continue my year of sharing pictures in each season with Springtime.  

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