Posts in Books
A Raise and Shine Book Collective

Because it’s no secret I love all things books and reading, I rounded up the blog posts where I share what we’ve been reading, from the big people to the small people. There is something here for everyone.

Happy Reading!

Three Picture Books for Me, Not Them

If you didn’t know this about me already, let me tell you a secret. Even if you did know, lean in along with us. You might need a reminder.

I don’t choose picture books for my children.

In fact, they are the last thing I am thinking of when I choose picture books.

I choose them for myself.

It’s confusing. When you walk into a library they label a particular area "Children’s section." Usually it’s sanctioned away from the rest of the library due to the need to protect the average adult size patrons from the children’s decibel levels equal to large machinery, or to contain to a smaller arena the cesspool of every strain of coronavirus (ooh, I just made this blog post relevant.)

But beyond the aforementioned hazards, this "Children’s section" is a misnomer. You are invited to come inside too. In fact, I urge you to. Don’t be afraid. They won’t harm you. They are too busy arguing over who had the red train first, never mind the blue train of similar dimensions lying unclaimed on the carpet. 

See that bookshelf over there with the characters you remember seeing in the bandaid aisle? You don’t want that bookshelf. That one is for the children. In fact, let them go wild over there. Let them pull every single book of Paw Patrol or Thomas the Tank Engine or PJ Masks (Oh but please not that one. For some reason that one is a tongue twister for me.) They will be so happy when you say "yes" to these books they might even forget about the time you said "we’ll see" when they asked if they could have those light up character sneakers even though you know you are going to go with the much cuter on the Instagram squares toddler converse shoes. 

Now that they are distracted over there, come follow me…to the place where dreams are made of…

Here you will find picture books. It’s a humble word "picture books," one that evokes simplicity, more image than word. This is where the secret lies: these books are magical. There are words that can do more than any book in the self help section at the quiet sterile side of the library. These books evoke feelings you didn’t know were buried, possibilities you didn’t know you could dream, and inspiration to move you forward. 

Perhaps that is the most eye-rolling-est sentences you have read from me in awhile (don’t worry, I always have more.) But I needed to be dramatic so that you knew what you were missing. It’s not all Dr. Seuss and Sandra Boynton over there (although you could find some incredible themes in those books as well.) 

I browse the picture book section the way I scroll through Instagram. I am drawn in by the strong image, I stay for the powerful words.

So now that you know my secret, you might be thinking, well that’s great, but like Instagram, how do I keep myself from falling down a rabbit hole of old Britney Spears dance videos, or the picture book equivalent. In other words, how do I find the books that inspire?

Well friends…there’s a blog post for that, and I wrote it (I told you I have shared this secret before.) 

But after you do that, come back here. I’ll wait.

Hi welcome back!

So, as promised by this title, I want to share with you three books that are inspiring me lately and why you need to know. And if this is well received, I want to keep doing this. I have done it before, in fact, I created a link to all my bookish posts for your perusing enjoyment. 


Let’s get on to my book recs, shall we? (If this was a multimedia, I would have the bada bum from Reading Rainbow play right now.)


ONE Say It by Charlotte Zolotow

I was struck by the imagery in this book, both words and illustrations, of a mother and her daughter out for a walk on a beautiful fall day. Her mother points out to her daughter the dancing leaves, the floating seeds, the gentle animals. And all along the girl continues to say "Say it!" with increasing insistence. She never seems satisfied with her mother’s ansswers. When I got to the end, I burst into tears at the words and couldn’t read on. "What’s wrong mommy?" my kids asked. 

I don’t want to spoil it for you. Let me just tell you it reminded me there are so many ways we can tell our children we love them. 


But I loved this book for another reason. One important thing I look for in books is to be inspired by the writing. This isn’t just possible in adult literature. In fact, I might argue the lesson on brevity and intention with words is even more prevalent in the books written for children. In this story, I was reminded there are also many ways we can SHOW, instead of TELL, how someone loves through their actions. When a book isn’t just a lesson for my children, isn’t just a lesson for me as a mother, but is also a lesson for me as a writer, then it is a major win for me.


TWO Now by Antoinette Portis

How many times do you hear your children announce "This is my most FAVORITE shirt" only to choose a new favorite the very next day? It’s even more annoying when it’s related to food (aren’t all things though.)

The story captures all the things the girl believes are her most favorite, with one important disclaimer: because they are the ones she is enjoying right NOW. 


This was the book that helped me choose my word of the year. I was so taken by the final line of the book when the little girl announced this to be the most favorite moment because it was the one she was spending with her mom NOW. The Nows of our children’s lives are the ones that matter, and they should matter to me too. I wanted more attention to the NOWS in my life. And also wanted to welcome the grace of changing those nows. It doesn’t matter if I change my mind about how I want to do my hair or what I eat or what I believe, because this is what I think NOW. This is the moment that matters.

And it especially matters when we are spending it with the people we love.


THREE Lines by Suzy Lee

An ice skater glides across the pages of this book. Lines twist and twirl with her every delicate move. She is Oksana Baiul on the page. And then the build up to a jump. You see the determination in her eyes. You cheer for her, you hold your breath, until…CRASH. Her body slams onto the cold hard page. 

Suddenly, the paper is crumpled up, or the illustration leads you to believe this, and you begin to understand the metaphor happening here. An attempt, a failure, and the disappointing defeat that follows. I feel this young girl. I too felt a damaging fall on the ice this week, the slippery ice of creative submissions. All that effort, the beautiful work, the hours of practice, only to lead to an epic crash. 

Then the girl sees something, another skater, falling on the ice too. But that skater’s face reflects a different feeling—joy. She is falling joyfully. 


I cried (sensing a theme?) This is when I know I love a book. When I cry. I think you will too. If you have ever felt defeat and needed inspiration to get back up again, this is the book for you (and so is this book.) And if you love beautiful illustrations, this is the book for you.

Also, I need to add, not a word is in this book but the title, proof you don’t need words to tell a good story. This was a magical find in a library one day, which is more proof you can only stumble upon your own magic if you actually let yourself wander and be found. 

Now your turn! What are you reading? I can never have too many great recommendations! Libraries are free after all!

Happy Reading!

A Reading Gift Guide for the Middle Graders

Can you tell already that we like books around here?

Shopping for middle graders isn’t easy. They start to phase away a bit from the usual toy presents. But the more sophisticated items are either too individual, or too expensive. Books are great for any age, though. They are magical in that way.

Three of the suggestions in this list are graphic novels. I think graphic novels are a fantastic way to indulge a new reader. This is a new genre for me but I love seeing Caroline jump into stories she might not otherwise because the images make it accessible, like sc-fi. I also love the educators recognize the literacy quality of graphic novels too.

This one will be short. I wanted a way to share a few books that Caroline has really enjoyed this year that may not be on your radar if you don’t pay attention to the middle grade reading world. Some are popular but others less so. I love hidden gems. And also, I must be honest, a couple of the books are written by a friend. I will always shout out the masterpieces of my friends. If you create something, I’ll put it on a gift guide. But these books don’t need me to celebrate them; they are fantastic on their own.

This one will also be short list because there is snow coming down outside and I want to go play! May you find a little something for the middle grader in your life!


Lucy’s Lab - There are three in this series. Perfect for the science loving girl, or girl you want to love science more.


Crafily Ever After - I found these books while wandering my local book store and knew they were meant for my seven year old. Its a friendship meets crafting meets a little bit of mystery all rolled into one. The perfect recipe for a good book series.


Calling All Witches - Okay so this one may be specific to the Harry Potter fans only. But we found this one at the library and Caroline devoured it. It is all about the girls in the Harry Potter series and what makes them strong. If you have a Potter fan in your life but want to call attention to the girl heroes in the stories, this is the book for you.


Dog Man - I was delighted to see Caroline thrilled about a new read that didn’t involve princesses and fairies for once! She heard about this from many boys in her class and now she reads and shares right along side them. Woo hoo! It is silly and ridiculous but also fun. I even saw Elliott, the least of my book lovers, ask Caroline to read this to him more than once.


Smile, Drama, Ghosts, Sisters - Another graphic novel series that Caroline LOVES. I love the messages of friendship and strength in these stories. The author, Raina Telgemeier, also writes graphic novels of the BabyS Sitters’ Club Books and when Caroline is old enough for those, I might just have to read along with her.


Last Pick and Last Pick:Born to Run - The first two of a trilogy is out by my friend and graphic novelist Jason Walz. Jason is a social needs educator who works with young adults on the autism spectrum. He is also an artist and writer and created this incredible sci-fi graphic novel series starring a young adult with autism. The themes of strength and courage in those considered to be outcasts and lesser members of society is so good. I cried so hard in the second book and can’t wait to see where the story ends. This is a book both Caroline and I loved, and I can’t recommend it enough to any reader in your life.